Friday, December 7, 2012

It happened one Christmas

I've posted this story on Stir Pot, it really happened this way!

It happened one Christmas; 
I must have been nine years old that is 1969!
 We used to get snow around here not heavy but still enough to close school. This year we got around 8 inches it fell the night of Christmas Eve! My father worked that day and would not get in until late. We held a tradition where we opened one gift the night before, the 5 of us sorted out the gifts I had a wrapped box to open, ah drat’s it’s underwear, (Lol) just my luck, but high hopes for the bicycle I’d been wanting!
All of us were excited that night, almost too much to sleep, we had been kept inside by the snowstorm, and were all suffering from Cabin Fever, the kind you can only have when you are young. However, we forced ourselves to sleep with the dreams of all our Christmas wishes coming true!
This particular Christmas I was the first one up, ran to the tree to see what Santa had left for me. I had been kind of thinking that Santa was in reality my parents by this age! Never the less, I was off to see if my best Christmas gift was under the tree! Low and behold, to my great disappointment nothing like that was there….
There was my sister’s dollhouse, my other sister’s spring-loaded horse, my brother’s model train set. My heart sank, I thought well maybe it is outside and Santa had left it out front! Quickly I dressed warmly for a exit out the front door. Then out the door I went, the front, porch covered with snow and ice. I almost fell holding on to the screen door handle, I saw two sets of Boot tracks, one leading to the front door one leading away. My older brother and I were excellent trackers; I had been hunting with him as long as I can remember. I could track a rabbit in dense woods by the time I was 9 years old.
I followed the tracks, in the snow, into the front yard, where they came to an apparent end; there were two long, flat tracks leading half way across the lawn where they ended. In between the two flat tracks were two sets of deer tracks leading to just beyond the flat tracks! This was odd to me, I thought of many ways to do this in the snow but none of them worked, could this be real evidence, how on earth could this be? Had Santa really landed in my front yard, did I have the proof that he was real? I went to get my brother to explain it, he was at a loss as well!
Afterwards, returning inside, with my disappointment for no bicycle, and was going to get warm and I went in to the house without looking up, to the kitchen for some cocoa, heavy in my heart.  Wondering, I missed my chance because I doubted in the real Santa Clause. As I turned towards the living room something shinny was there under the tree! Wow, there was my bicycle, the miracle of my ninth Christmas still comes to my mind every year now.
I often wondered how my Dad and Mom pulled this off. How could they put the sleigh tracks and deer tracks in the snow without leaving one additional footprint, in the pristine snow? They never talked about it or how my bike was suddenly there, after it was not when I woke up!
Could it be that because I had doubted that there was a Santa, that he wanted me to see, there was? I will never know! 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Countdown Mayan Calendar Cycle

Countdown to the new Mayan Celestial cycle!

I am sky watching,,
We are having a countdown to the Mayan Calendar New Cycle, for the celestial event, our alignment to the Galactic center! There is the possibility our ghost brown star may turn into a Blue Star as predicted! we would suddenly have 2 suns !
The Mayan Calendar consist of three concentric circles, and the circles as a whole is never ending! The perfect representation of Time, Space and change!
Interestingly just posted finding the north star 100 light years closer than previously thought!
Could this be the Blue star the Mayan claimed would appear in our night skies? Is it moving closer to us? More questions?

December 3, 2012
day 3 countdown

What will be revealed when we align with the celestial center? The predictions have run a gambit of Dooms day scenarios, which are based on superstitions! none of which make much sense! The main stay prediction is the return of the Mayan creator God! Thought today to be an alien, what do you think?
like this page, leave your comments!

Note worthy happenings today, 2 come to mind,
first the unmanned rover on Mars found last week, complex building blocks of life in the Martian soil. The scientist confirmed it today with a caution of being unsure weather they originated on Mars or elsewhere!
Second  more interesting from Pic is the finding from Voyager a new layer to the Heliophere around our solar system!
Voyager 1 has entered a new region of the heliosphere that scientists are calling a "magnetic highway," which allows charged particles from inside the heliosphere to flow outward, and particles from the galaxy outside to come in. - Read more:

December 4th 2012
day 4 countdown
this is going to get technical! Are you watching this, (@;@)?

20 Things You Didn't Know About... The End

1. The world will come to an end on December 21, 2012. 2. That is how New Agers, anticipating a rebirth of consciousness, interpret the Mayan calendar.3. In reality, December 21 is the date on which the Mayans’ 1,872,000-day “long count” calendar is set to roll over, like the Gregorian year 1000. Remember how the world ended then? Exactly. 4. Baptist preacher William Miller, seeing through the Bible darkly, convinced 50,000 New Englanders that the rapture would happen by March 21, 1844.5. Happily it did not!
check out the Discovery Article  
December 5th, 2012
Day 5 countdown

Well Facebook troubles and solar flares, global warming and increased storm activities! Are you watching, what do you think! Seventeen days left a whole new celestial cycle begins, 1,872,017- days until we come full circle again!

December 6th, 2012
Day 6 countdown

Maya text cites 2012 as end of calendar cycle, not end of world

A newly discovered Mayan text reveals the "end date" for the Maya calendar. But unlike some modern people, ancient Maya did not expect the world to end on that date, researchers said.
The absolute TRUTH about the Mayan Prediction! Thanks to Science on MSNBC and Stephanie Pappas, senior writer,  her story reveals the source of the Dooms day prediction and adds the twist the Republicans should heed!

December 7th
the day of days
day 7 countdown!
Our work is done Snoopy come on, we can go Party, the Mayan never had any thought of the end of the world just a new celestial cycle beginning, we can party like it's 1999!   ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ""Party""  ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ yeah!!

This just in, Large, Peanut-Shaped Asteroid Headed Toward Earth !
it will be closest to earth on December the 12th but click the link and read the story from National Geography

December 8th
day 8 countdown!
17 days til Christmas!
♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ Merry Christmas

This just in;, a very thin section of a supernova remnant that floats in our galaxy. Take a look makes me think of the Nexus from Star trek!

December 10th
day 10 countdown   Open-mouthed smile 
Rolling on the floor laughing There is nothing much I could explain about yesterday, timing was the apparent reason for missing the chance to post! I also have searched extensively for something to add here, we have had a Tsunami, and the off shore earthquake which caused it! Also we have had one of the most warm Christmas seasons ever this year! If you have news for this post please feel free to leave a comment! Thanks and follow this post! Thumbs up

December 12th, 2012
day 12 countdown
Something is coming!
Are you watching?
It is so obvious, the Mayan had no clue, in fact some of the prophets never suspected at all! “”Something is coming””
Something “BIG”
I believe it will be an event to behold! No one has thought of it, and no one has made a Big deal out of it! The Mayan were a very civilized culture, with celebrations every year, bigger than any of the New Year’s celebrations just think about it your once in a life time to celebrate the Celestial 1,872,017 day procession cycle and long count Calendars new beginning!
The day of the long count, calendar cycle beginning also the day the deity returns meant everyone would be, reunited with one another, a harmonious reunion with lost loved ones! The time of rejuvenation, revelations and Celebrations!
Are you watching? Some thing big is coming! Like this page!

As mentioned in earlier post, a peanut shaped  near-Earth asteroid, 4179 Toutatis, which is about 3 miles wide, will zoom within 4.3 million miles of Earth during its closest approach early Wednesday morning (Dec. 12).  you can watch it live online on this link!
December 13th
Day 13 countdown
I can’t believe no one has an opinion on any of the Mayan predictions or my post of this countdown!
December 17th
Day 17 countdown
After the weekend of tragedy I took a few days away from the humor of main stream prophesy science! The more serious side we had a Peanut shaped the Toutatis Meteor fly by! I posted a link to  watch it live! Did you miss it?
Toutus flyby 12112012

 The doomsayers are worried because the 13th bak'tun (or 144,000-day cycle) of the Mayan Long Count Calendar wraps up on Dec. 21, marking the end of a cycle of creation. But the ancient Maya probably would not have thought the world was going to end Friday, scholars say; rather, they likely would simply have celebrated and rolled the calendar over to a new bak'tun.  Alien
A direct quote from a article on “Doomsday 2012: Watch the 'End of the World' Live Online” which will host a series of live links with feeds for sky gazers looking for everything including sun spots and solar storms!
The online Slooh Space Camera will broadcast a series of live cosmic views all week, beginning today (Dec. 17). The free webcasts will help the public keep watch for any monster solar storms, impending asteroid strikes or other potential agents of the so-called "Mayan Apocalypse " that doomsayers claim is set for Friday.

3 days left!

Monument 6 from Tortuguero      Astrophotographer Victor Rogus intentionally over-exposed this image of the moon and Jupite  three of Jupiter's Galilean Moons
Other news of special interest ; They have found another 2012 Mayan stone inscription other than the one from Monument 6 from Tortuguero, and this Photo,  Astrophotographer Victor Rogus intentionally over-exposed this image of the moon and Jupiter, exposing three of Jupiter's Galilean Moons!
Pinwheel galaxy  Swan Nebula
Other note worth photographs above; This Pinwheel Galaxy, and The Swan Nebula! 
As mentioned in other postings to this Blog, Something big is coming Something stupendous, Marvelous, The Mayan had no comprehension of Can you ? Have you been watching? What is your opinion?  Surprised smile

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like this post  infared Orion

Are you celestially sky watching? Is there anyone out there? What are your thoughts!
Like this page, Follow this link! tell your friends! Let me know what you think!
Hot smile                 Alien

December 19th
Day 19 countdown
2 days left

Its easy to be confused by this because we have been aligned with the galactic center for 18 years now! and will emerge from it in another 18 years! It is said that the earth's precession, which is very slow, shifts the position of the solstices one degree every 71.5 years. Since the sun is one-half of a degree wide, when seen from the earth, the December solstice sun takes 36 years to process through the Galactic equator.


It is believed we have passed through this more than 20 times! There is another aspect to the galactic alignment where another very different kind of galactic alignment is proposed by some scientists. Where said that the solar system moves above and below the plane of the galaxy very slowly (vertical oscillations) while the sun obits around the galactic center. It takes the sun about 225 to 250 million years to complete one cycle around the center of the galaxy. The time taken for one complete revolution of the Sun around the center of the galaxy is called a “cosmic year”. It is said that the Sun has orbited the galaxy, more than 20 times during its 5 billion year lifetime. You can find discussions on this, more under the Hindu cosmological cycle of time. You can look up "Galactic Alignment and Precession, (click here)!
Forget the Apocalypse predictions it’s not going to happen!
It was never predicted by the Mayan and recent finding support further dates past 2012 Mayan calendar date! The Maya recorded time in a series of cycles, including 400-year chunks called baktuns. It's these baktuns that have led to rumors of an end-of-the-world, This is long known there were more than 13 Baktuns! I qoute, “There were 24 units of time they actually could have incorporated into their calendar," Stuart said. "Here, we're only seeing five units and they're still really big."

Never mind the Apocalypse: Earliest Mayan Calendar Found

As written by Stephine Pappas Livescience senior writter,in case you missed it, I’ll copy some of the text.
The oldest-known version of the ancient Maya calendar has been discovered adorning a lavishly painted wall in the ruins of a city deep in the Guatemalan rainforest. "The Mayan calendar is going to keep going for billions, trillions, octillions of years into the future," said archaeologist David Stuart of the University of Texas, who worked to decipher the glyphs. "Numbers we can't even wrap our heads around."
A brilliant surprise
The newly discovered calendar is complex indeed, featuring stacked bars and dots representing fives and ones and recording lunar cycles in six-month chunks of time. But it wasn't these mathematical notations that first caught the archeologists' eye. William Saturno, an archaeologist from Boston University, was mapping the ancient Maya city of Xultun in northeast Guatemala in 2010 when one of his undergraduate students peered into an old trench dug by looters and reported seeing traces of ancient paint.
As Saturno continued along the old trench to the back wall, he was shocked to run into a brilliantly painted portrait: a Mayan king, sitting on his throne, wearing a red crown with blue feathers flowing out behind him. Another figure peeks out from behind him. On an adjoining wall, three loincloth-clad figures sit, wearing feathered headdresses. One is captioned "Older Brother Obsidian," or "Senior Obsidian," a still-mysterious title. Next to the king, a man painted in brilliant orange wearing jade bracelets reaches out with a stylus, likely identifying him as a scribe. He is labeled as "Younger Brother Obsidian," or perhaps "Junior Obsidian."
It's not the end of the world
These paintings — covering the west and north walls of the small, 6-foot-by-6-foot room — weren't the only surprise Xultun had to offer. On the east wall, someone had painted a series of small, complex hieroglyphics. This, the researchers soon realized, was a calendar.
New Calender
Four long numbers on the north wall of the ruined house relate to the Maya calendar and computations about the moon, sun and possibly Venus and Mars; the dates stretch some 7,000 years into the future. These are the first calculations Maya archaeologists have found that seem to tabulate all of these cycles in this way. Although they all involve common multiples of key calendrical and astronomical cycles, the exact significance of these particular spans of time is not known.

Something big is coming Something stupendous, Marvelous, The Mayan had no comprehension of, Can you ? Have you been watching? What is your opinion? Surprised smile

like this blog, leave your comments! 

December 20th
Day 20 countdown
1 days left
This will be my last update on this blog, thank you all who followed along as I struggled to keep this blog light hearted and informative!  I sincerely hope I have informed you and received a smile from you! I will be out watching the stars a long held hobby of mine! I may add some pictures I take along the bottom here and I would really like to have your comments and or opinions to them as well!
thanks George!
The Mayan weather forecast thanks to Fox News New york!
Mayan forecast 
Looks good for Wednesday and Thursday, but a little hot Friday! Be right back

As Mentioned Something the Mayan never took into their predictions, they never predicted the end of the world,  they never had a single thought we would have such a tradition as Christmas! Yes Santa is coming and he takes no prisoners! If the Mayan had any Christmas spirit they would have never fallen apart!
I knew they were real
The one thing the Mayan  had no concept of is our Holiday Spirit of giving! That is the most prevalent argument supporting my contention and others, the Mayan never predicted the “end of time” or in any way, ever mentioned it. They had no knowledge of our belief in each of us to take care of one another!
Our overwhelming faith, all the good of one another and willingness to take care of each other! Everything about our general attitude towards life, our planet, all this was beyond the Mayans comprehension of our society! They were extremely knowledgeable of the cosmos, Alien I would have to agree they had outside help because there is no way they would have any way of knowing about procession, on a 25,800 year cycle when their society was not around that long!

Milky way
We can only theorize that we are part of galactic procession for all we know we are part of a Binary star system! We could have a smaller red dwarf star with Planets circling it, that is so dim we can not detect it yet! We may detect it this year but will not see it in our neighborhood for another 1500 years!  Once detected could this be the reveal that the Mayan predicted and the possible planet around it could it be the home of the prevalent guardian aliens!  Alien The Mayan were quite clearly expecting the return of Chum ba lumm the Mayan God whose return was expected on December 21, 2012! 
The Best translation for the Prophesy on the Mayan stone and I quote; “ on the day of celestials alignment with the galactic center, the veil will be removed, the curtain drawn back and all will be unveiled!” their creator would return, where in this was anything about the end of time!

The Mayan would have held a week long party festival before and after this event, if not longer, they celebrated life and prosperity until things started falling apart in their culture. It has been a mystery why such a diverse and established culture would disband and vanish abandoning their city’s to be reclaimed by the jungles.
We have another 25,800 years ahead of us and 18 years before we pass back beyond the galactic center we will learn and grow and someday we may take to the stars. Will we have any of our questions answered today December 21st 2012?
In three days we celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones this Christmas! 
Thank you again for following this Blog and tune in again for future blogs, we welcome any and all comments!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Tradition

This time of the year is hard for me, as it is for many! So many of us have lost loved ones, I am no different! I write about this on the eve of my wife’s death, from a house fire, several years ago! She always told me she would haunt me if she died first, and she does! I see her in the brilliant colors of the trees. She taught me, to see the beautiful reds and yellows, reflected in her sky blue eyes! That is another story! (LOL) It has to be the right shade of red!
The time was so different then, people were trusting, we had never locked the doors till I was 18 years old we knew all our neighbors, and quite frequently ran next door to help one another! People watched out for each other and you did the same for them.  Harvest was almost over and everyone had purple fingers from shelling Purple Hull Peas and snap beans. People would stop by early walking to town!  Have a cup of coffee and a bacon biscuit! Someone stops by to sharpen Moms knives for her and someone else stops by drops off 3 more bushels of Purple Hull Peas to be shelled before tomorrow! We would see Uncle Sugg walking and ask if he would like a ride, “no thanks I’ve got to get there quick to take care of my business” he would say! Away he would go walking to town.
The day before Thanksgiving, we were rushed out of the house; Mom would be cooking all day! Of course, if you wanted you could help make the biscuits, mixing the dough and rolling them out cut and put them on a pan! Did not matter to us when we had finished our chores we would rather be out in the woods barefoot going to the lake, to play ball in a pasture! Do not dare come back early if you opened the door and her cake fell you were in trouble!  I was always barefoot, I think I started wearing shoes full time when I was 16, of course, we had to for school but I would rather have been barefoot!
When we got to the house around 5:00 pm for supper, you ate what was on your plate and helped wash and put dishes up! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving everyone would be there, all your entire family, aunts and uncles, grandparent everyone! Be on your best behavior wash your hands. (still stained purple after 4 washes ) most times if we came in there was always something to eat hot on the stove. We never went hungry!
Thanksgiving day, people would start coming right after breakfast, bringing food-helping get everything finished! We had Biscuits, eggs with red eye gravy orange juice and milk! Then the men would set up the television to watch the game! The house would fill up, to almost standing room only then round about 12:00 we would be called to lunch with fried chicken and string beans peas and corn on the cob, with buttered corn bread, sweet tea, peach cobbler and apple pies cakes of every kind! Way too much for us to eat! We had an apple tree right outside the front door we had put apples up all summer and there was applesauce! Then when you finished eating we would all go take turns on the crank making the Ice cream in a bucket pouring salt on the ice in the wooden bucket! Then after having some of the ice cream, you would let it set in the freezer till later!
Then at 5:00 PM, you would return to the feature event the carving of the turkey that had been cooking for the entire day! It would absolutely melt in your mouth, don’t forget there is mashed potatoes and beans of every kind tomatoes and giblet gravy and onion! Then you would have some blueberry cobbler with ice cream! Then you were full! And would not eat a bite for the next 3 days!
Stir Pot, "lets talk food"